This qualification contains six modules of learning covering key aspects of customs compliance, including classification, origin, valuation, completing export declarations, export licensing and excise duties.
The advanced option of our Customs Practitioner Award looks at the four units covered in the Level 3 Customs Practitioner Award, with two additional units looking at Export Licensing Controls and Excise Duties.
This course comprises six modules of learning, each module is delivered through a one-day online training course. Students are able to book their preferred dates of attendance giving them the ability to pace their own learning.
By the end of the award, the customs practitioner will feel confident working in an international trade environment, with an understanding of the resources available to effectively manage customs risk.
No formal qualifications are required for entry on this course.
No formal qualifications are required for this course.
The Level 4 Customs Practitioner Award consists of six units of study:
This unit offers a very detailed and comprehensive look at the information that is required to be submitted to customs to enable goods to be imported and exported. It also looks at the differences between EU and non EU trade.
Learning Outcomes
By the time you have finished this unit you will be able to:
- 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role and application of Customs Procedures and Documentation
Assessment Criteria
- 1.1 Discuss the role of Customs arrangements at a World, European and UK level
- 1.2 Provide an explanation of UK customs procedures and customs declarations
- 1.3 Outline the role of export and import documentation
This unit highlights the commercial implications of the correct use of the Tariff/Commodity code and why it is so important to have a good understanding of them, which will help towards successful and efficient global business.
Learning Outcomes
By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:
- 1. Explain the operation of Customs Classification and Tariff Codes
Assessment Criteria
- 1.1 Explain the importance of the Tariff/Commodity code and how to determine the correct code
- 1.2 Discuss Tariff application within Trade Agreements, including compliance with rules of origin
- 1.3 Identify the 'landed cost' for products in the international trade transaction
This unit will explain all aspects of the Rules of Origin and Trade agreements and how to understand and comply with them to help companies be more competitive in export markets.
Learning Outcomes
By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:
- 1. Know how origin is established and how to complete trade documentation to secure export preference
Assessment Criteria
- 1.1 Define preferential and non-preferential trade, free trade agreements and how international trade rules apply, including rules of origin
- 1.2 Discuss trade documentation required to secure preferential trade
- 1.3 Outline internal documentation and procedures required to support origination declaration
This unit gives an introduction to excise duties and procedures which apply both internationally and domestically on products such as alcohol, tobacco and hydrocarbon oils. It outlines the structural elements of excise duty including HM Revenue & Customs requirements for registration of production premises and duty suspended (“bonded”) warehouses, and the calculation and payment of excise duty.
Learning Outcomes
By the time you have finished this module you will be able to:
- 1. Understand excise duties, procedures and regulations
Assessment Criteria
- 1.1 Discuss the customs and excise environment at an international and UK level, and how taxes and duties are formulated
- 1.2 Explain import and export processes relevant to excise goods
- 1.3 Discuss how compliance with excise regulations can be ensured
This unit looks at the very important area of Export Controls on goods leaving the United Kingdom. It covers the export of both military and dual-use goods plus software and technology. The procedures for getting a licence and the different types will be explained. Also, what the categories for licences are and the compliance with shipments to different export regions.
Learning Outcomes
By the time you have finished this module you will have:
- 1. Knowledge of export licensing controls and the different types of export license
Assessment Criteria
- 1.1 Review UK, European Union and International rules and requirements for Military and Dual-Use goods
- 1.2 Evaluate how to check product requirements for an Export Licence
- 1.3 Compare the different types of Export Licence in operation, and how to apply for the appropriate licence
This unit looks at the requirements that businesses must now follow when trading good to Europe arising from the UK:EU Trade Cooperation Agreement (TCA).
Learning Outcomes
By the time you have finished this module you will have:
- 1. Knowledge of customs and trade requirements in 2021 post transition period in order to ensure documentation fulfilment and compliance
Assessment Criteria
- 1.1 Analyse UK customs procedures and documentation that apply from 2021, and illustrate how traders evidence proof of export from the UK
- 1.2 Appraise the importance of UK Tariff classifications
- 1.3 Evaluate compliance with Rules of Origin and Methods of Valuation
- 1.4 Evaluate the benefits of Customs Special Procedures and being an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
The learning content is delivered through attendance at six live training events which students access remotely via video call. Each module of learning is covered in a half-day session.
The Courses
- Customs Procedures & Documentation
- How to Classify your Goods
- Rules of Origin
- Excise Duties and Procedures
- Introduction to Export Licensing Controls
- Trading with the EU
Students have a maximum of two years to complete this qualification.
Students are required to complete two 3000-word written assessments. These can be taken at the same time, or over two separate assessment periods. Assessment opportunities take place three times a year - April, August and December.
The first assessment will be based on the these three units of learning:
- Customs Procedures and Documentation
- How to Classify Your Goods
- Rules of Origin
The second assessment will be based on these three units:
- Export Licensing Controls
- Excise Duties and Procedures
- Trading with the EU
Students will be required to register for an assessment period once the relevant learning has been completed, and will be given six weeks from the date of issuance to complete and submit their work.
Registration fee: £118 (1 year's student membership)
Course fee: £2,054 (assessment fees included)
All course content is delivered through attendance at six one-day training courses, which are virtual classroom events accessed by video call.
Students will also have access to our online learning campus Canvas, through which the written assessments are administered.
To apply for the Level 4 Customs Practitioner Award, please use the 'Apply now' button or send an email requesting an application form to
To discuss our qualifications:
Call +44 (0)1733 404400