In the post-Brexit era, businesses need to comply with a variety of customs rules and procedures to ensure their goods move smoothly over borders into international markets, including the EU. Traders, or their intermediaries, also need to be adept at using the IT systems that are used at the border for overseeing cross-border goods movements and compliance.

A failure to meet these legal obligations, or to stay up-to-date with systems and rule changes, can lead to goods being delayed or held at the border. These delays can have detrimental financial and reputational effects on a business and its supply chain partners.

This free one-hour webinar hosted by the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade, in partnership with Customs4trade, will look at how businesses can ensure their customs knowledge is up-to-date and help them to understand how they can avoid delays when their goods cross the UK border.

The webinar will cover:

  • A recap of the current customs rules and requirements for goods exiting and leaving the UK
  • Border systems that are used for cross border trader – including CDS, GVMS, IPAFFS, TRACES and PCS
  • Upcoming rules and systems changes traders need to know about – including S&S declarations
  • Best practice for ensuring compliance and reducing risk around border delays
  • Digital tools and solutions for ensuring effective cross border compliance

You can ask questions in advance when completing the registration form below.