This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

In a week of media coverage of A’ level results, rising youth unemployment and the career concerns of the UK’s young people, here at the Institute of Export  we feel it’s timely to remind you of our own high quality training that doesn’t necessarily depend on previous academic success.

We know that employees who work day in, day out in an exporting environment, but who lack formal qualifications, can perform well on our courses.

At the institute we are flexible with our entry requirements for those already working in international trade or who want to work in international trade.  We aren’t prescriptive about academic qualification and candidates will probably be accepted after an interview with our Director of Education, Kevin Shakespeare.

Here’s our top 10 reasons for investing in export training:

1.    Getting it right

Training your staff to deliver your products or services right first time, every time, will lower your costs and improve the experience you deliver to your customers.

2.    Employee satisfaction and retention

When bonuses and pay rises are being squeezed, training becomes a personal investment that you can make in your employees’ future and retain your talent. Today’s young workers want more than a pay cheque. They look for employment that allows them to learn new skills.

3.    Managing effectively

Invest in your managers’ development and training to give them the confidence and skills they need to manage their team through the challenge of opening up new markets.

4. Less need for supervision

Free up managers time and effort and empower employees to do the work themselves.

5.    Knowledge transfer

If only one person has special skills or knowledge, you’ll have a tough time if they suddenly leave the company. Spread knowledge around — it’s like diversifying your investments.

6.    Future-proofing

Emerging global economies are still expanding and the most successful companies are already re-focusing their efforts on these markets. Retaining and enhancing skills allows you to take advantage of these new opportunities and to be in a strong competitive position when our economic upturn comes.

7.    Keeping up to date

Training ensures that your knowledge stays relevant and up to date, making you more aware of the fast moving changing trends and directions in your sector.

8.    Enhancing your company image

Employees who have gained an accredited qualification can be great PR ambassadors for your company – helping to impress and attract talented recruits and new customers.

9.    Flexibility and Efficiency

You can cross-train employees to be capable, flexible and efficient in more than one aspect of the business. Cross-training also fosters team spirit, as employees appreciate the challenges faced by co-workers.

10.  Looking after yourself

Finally, choosing a great export training partner can really help you to come up with new ideas, find ways to lower costs whilst increasing ROI, and drive sustainable improvement in your business. At the Institute of Export one of our key objectives is to help our members and their companies achieve their export and international trade goals. If you do well, we do well.

Explore our website pages for more information on the IOE’s training and qualifications.

Chartered Institute News

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