This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

The director general of the Institute of Export & International Trade, Marco Forgione, today took part in a round table discussion with minister for exports Graham Stuart MP to put forward the case for easing administration around exporting goods.

At the round table meeting, hosted by the Department for International Trade (DIT) and including representatives from the CBI, the IoD and the Federation of Small Businesses, the government set out its new export strategy for the UK after transition from the EU ends in December.

“We were asked for our views, insights and suggestions for what the UK government needs to do in order to create and establish an export-led recovery,” Forgione said after the hour-long meeting.

Forgione put forward several proposals and has been asked to submit these in writing.

Included in the IOE&IT’s wish list today was automatic access to EIDR (Entry into Declarants Records), which would allow exporters of just-in-time and fresh goods to delay making full customs declarations, therefore speeding up dispatch.

marco forgione meeting

“It was clear from the meeting with the minister today that the government’s focus is on creating an export-led recovery"

Regional levelling-up

“It was clear from the meeting that the government’s focus is on exports as the driver for economic recovery – which includes levelling up across UK regions, a focus on SMEs and delivering net zero carbon emissions,” Forgione said.

Part of the strategy outlined today included encouraging firms to consider exporting for the first time as a natural route to growth.

Forgione added: “What we heard was not just the strategy but also the practical steps being taken to help support and encourage businesses to export.”

Other IOE&IT proposals put forward today included:

  • removing the requirement for bank guarantees for customs authorisations such as inward processing and warehousing
  • accelerating the digitisation of export documentation away from a requirement for wet signatures
  • an argument for the export growth potential that lies in trade with developing nations and for greater collaboration between the DIT and the Foreign Office
  • for UK Export Finance to underwrite more risk for exporters, particularly those trading with developing nations.
Chartered Institute News

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