This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

Signpost with Brexit pointing one way and EU facing the other direction

In the countdown to the UK leaving the EU, the Institute continues to be invited by national print and broadcast media and trade publications to discuss possible outcomes for UK export trade.

The latest media enquiries include a request from The Guardian for a reaction from IOE&IT Director General, Lesley Batchelor OBE, to Theresa May’s 12-point plan, which was revealed on Tuesday.

Lesley’s contribution stressed the unknown nature of the wholly unprecedented situation for any country and how SMEs in particular have been left in the dark – a situation the Prime Minister’s speech has failed to address.

Also calling for an insight from government into how future trading with the EU post-Brexit will work, here is Lesley’s full response:

“Being out of the single market brings a lot of uncertainty for all businesses. We’re starting negotiations for trade agreements on a completely blank piece of paper. It’s common knowledge that if someone else knows you’re on a deadline in negotiations, as we are with Brexit, it puts you on a distinct disadvantage.

“The Department for International Trade is doing a great job in putting together a register of companies that want to trade internationally. But I can’t say what trade is going to look like.

“We need some scope on how export and import tariffs are going to work. This speech has addressed nothing on small business concerns. Trade post-Brexit is not going to be one simple cure-all. It’s going to be lots of attempts at getting it right.”

The Institute has also been invited to comment on the prospects for UK trading relations with the US under a Trump presidency, as well as the economic outlook nationally and internationally.

With 2017 forecast to be an interesting year for international trade prospects, we have boosted the calendar of training courses for members and non-members. Individuals and companies can also benefit in these uncertain times by considering our unique range of Ofqual accredited professional qualifications, which run up to degree level.


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