This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

global connections

Big retail chains, logistics firms and software providers are all taking steps to prepare for economic recovery and the end of the UK’s transition period in December, new membership data at the IOE&IT has shown.

As rules for trade with the EU are set to change from 1 January 2021 and with remote working continuing, UK firms are using the time to upskill in international trade by joining the Institute.

In the month of June, nearly 50 new members gained membership of the IOE&IT, marking a return to average joining rates from the time before the Coronavirus lockdown began on 23 March.

Of the 49 new joiners, 17 have become business members, 13 joining as individual members with 19 students now among the Institute’s ranks.

Grocery chains join

New members in June include Queen’s Awards winners, multi-national grocery multiples and global logistics firms.

“It’s great to be welcoming new members on board so we can support them during the ongoing economic uncertainty,” said Kelly Rawles, head of membership at the IOE&IT.

Trainer expertise

“With a new liberalised trading environment beckoning at the start of next year, clearly people want to be part of the IOE&IT so they can avail of our trainers’ expertise as well as all the other benefits that membership bestows.”

Rawles said the jump in student enrolment was particularly gratifying.

“We are seeing more students enrol who are taking this time to improve their knowledge and avail of the HMRC’s grant system to pay for their training,” Rawles said.

“We hope that by joining early on in their studies, the students will go on to be Affiliate, Associate and Full Members once they finish their qualifications.”