This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

The rise of China and the growth of its economic power may be familiar themes, but the scale is still staggering. Growth averaged around 7% year-on-year in the last decade and even during 2020 as the pandemic raged, the Chinese economy still grew at an estimated 2.3%.

With a massive economic rebound underway, the opportunities are enormous. But they are also multifaceted - and their nature is subtly shifting.

An IOE&IT webinar in partnership with Deloitte and Asiability on 18 June, entitled China – as hard as it seems?, will reveal how to take advantage of these shifting opportunities.

This free webinar will feature contributions from experts with decades of experience, including HM Trade Commissioner for China, John Edwards.

You can sign up to attend the webinar which runs from 12-1pm BST on 18 June HERE.  

Deeper engagement required

Increasingly, those companies with the biggest potential upsides from greater exposure to the Chinese market are those with complex products or services requiring a deeper engagement with the country than simply the ability to find a competent distributor.

During the webinar you’ll hear about a new service, China Export Accelerator, from Deloitte, Asiability and the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, which aims to help businesses understand more about the commercial, political and social landscape – and what it means for your offering to market.

Programme and speakers

Information Session with HM Trade Commissioner for China, John Edwards: ‘Is it time to get China out of the 'too hard bucket?’

  • Questions to the speaker (submit your questions in advance when registering here)

Panel discussion: "How is China different as an export market?’

  • Kevin Shakespeare, IOE&IT Academy director
  • David Percival MBE, Deloitte
  • Questions to the panel (submit in advance or during the live Q&A)

China Export Accelerator overview: what’s different about this approach and is it right for you?

  • Ollie Shiell, Asiability
  • David Percival, Deloitte
  • Questions to the panel (submit in advance when registering here)



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