This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

Houses of Parliament at night

 Don’t miss an important opportunity to tell the government how optimistic you are feeling about international trading prospects for 2017 with our new online survey.

The results will be instrumental in helping us to represent your views at a House of Commons select committee on International Trade next Tuesday at the House of Commons. Your Director General will be giving evidence alongside Lord (Digby) Jones of Birmingham and Marcus Dolman, co-Chair of BExA.

Your views count and taking just a few minutes to complete, the poll examines a number of crucial issues. Among the questions are your investment priorities for the year ahead; how optimistic you are about different export markets; how much trade you think the UK will lose when it leaves the EU; and what your biggest concerns for international sales are.

The deadline is 10th February but for your views to be included for Tuesday’s select committee we need to hear from you as soon as possible. Remember, the survey is completely anonymous.

As an organisation that works closely with government - and is routinely asked to advise and inform it - the IOE&IT shapes policy and decision-making at the highest levels.

Institute director general, Lesley Batchelor OBE, will present your views at the select committees over the Parliamentary year.

Lesley is a member of the Advisory Panel, an active member of both the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Trade & Investment and the All-Party Manufacturing Group – and gives evidence to the House of Lords Select Committees on various issues affecting international trade and Government support for SMEs.

Your views as businesses working in international trade – and the wider export community – are highly valued and can influence the way forward.   

The more feedback we receive, the more accurately we can present the opinion and concerns of UK businesses trading internationally to decision makers. It will enable the Institute to be better equipped to improve existing services - and develop new ones to meet emerging needs.

Lesley Batchelor said: “We have always made it a priority to give exporters a voice that will be heard – and do so with events, opportunities to meet politicians and market research.

“As we prepare to leave the EU, debate rages in Parliament and across industry and the media. This means that it has probably never been more important that the opinions of our international traders are heard – and they will help those who will be steering us through the process.”

Chartered Institute News

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