This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

Helen Hastie Membership engagement manager

Here’s to another year of importing and exporting in the bag. The Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE&IT) has achieved a lot this year, all thanks to our fantastic membership.

From a membership perspective, I’m so impressed with our members’ tenacity and confidence embracing new markets and international trade opportunities.


IOE&IT has always prioritised membership and put members of all categories at the heart of what we do. So it’s no surprise that the membership team has worked tirelessly on multiple events throughout the year.

First of all, we had MemberCon in Birmingham in July. It was fantastic to see so many of you there in person for one of the first in-person events we hosted post-Covid. We also had graduation and prize giving, at which we saw the next set of international traders receive their degrees in the elegant surroundings of the City of London’s Mansion House.

And we launched regional ministerial events and director general meets to allow more of you to get your views across to government policymakers.

Member benefits

Our team also launched no fewer than five new member benefits during the year, including discounts in due diligence in new markets, new events, a new documentation building and sharing system, new lunchtime learning series and more.

And we celebrated the achievements of our members through our Member Monthly version of the IOE&IT Daily Update. We’ll also take on board feedback and try to make our existing benefits more impactful and relevant. There really is no better time to be a member of IOE&IT and I hope to see this list grow in the future.

Award winners

It’s also been fantastic to see a slew of Queens’ Award winners joining us and sharing their expertise with the international trade community. They are a credit to our community and provide a fantastic networking opportunity to other businesses.

Notably, in the list of winners announced in April, the largest single category was ‘International Traders’. This shows the continuing relevance and benefits of trading internationally.

The year ahead

With 2022 almost wrapped up, I can tell you there’s plenty to be excited about next year. Aside from our favourite events returning, we’ll have new events to add to the calendar. We’ll also have a new alumni programme and new special interest groups, starting with the first one on export controls which is launching in January.

And last but not least, we’re offering a fresh website and member portal to help spread our message and keep you informed.

Final message

As I’ve said before, membership is at the heart of everything we do. Without our members, all of our efforts to improve trade and international connections simply would not work. Despite the challenges international trade has seen this year, we are delighted to see that our professional membership community has grown by over 11%.

Together, we’re connecting the entire supply chain within IOE&IT and breaking down barriers for trade. I look forward to working with all of you, helping your businesses grow. Here’s to 2023.

On behalf of your membership team and the rest of IOE&IT, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.


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