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Marco Forgione in front of Parliament

Responding to news that the UK government has published its draft plan for the Border Target Operating Model, director general of the Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE&IT), Marco Forgione said:

“We welcome the publication of the Border Target Operating Model. We will work with members and the wider trader community to respond to this important consultation.

"I am pleased that the government is committed to a phase one implementation of 31 October. It is important ministers make sure that deadline does not slip because UK businesses are currently at a significant competitive disadvantage.

"The emphasis on legitimate traders, advanced supply chain data and the innovative approach to amongst others advanced supply chain data, SPS, and transit create tremendous potential.

"It is really very important that every participant in the supply chain including SMEs benefits from what is being proposed.

"Businesses I’ve spoken with have issued a very stark warning that the government must not create monopolies. Implementation should be used to encourage a diverse mix of existing and new entrants to help deliver the governments ambitious Border 2025 strategy.”

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