Download your free guide on importing goods in 2025

Ensure compliance and get ahead of your competitors with 10 important ongoing trade changes.

Keeping up-to-date with changing rules and standards is key to profitable and compliant trade

International regulations and processes continue to undergo significant change as global trade adapts to a new geopolitical, regulatory and environmental situation. This is particularly true for the UK and EU, where the effects of Brexit continue to take shape.

Make sure you understand recent and upcoming changes that will affect how your business trades internationally by downloading our whitepaper, ‘Importing goods in 2025.

Find out how you can navigate new rules and processes to ensure compliant and effect international trade with this new guide from the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade, covering:

  • The Customs Declaration Service (CDS)
  • Updates to the Import Control System (ICS 2)
  • Safety and security (S&S) declarations in the UK
  • The New Computerised Transit System  (NCTS)
  • GB sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) controls
  • Environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards
  • Carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs)
  • Deforestation regulations
  • The EU’s Digital Product Passport initiative
  • EU Customs Reform
Importing Goods

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